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Discover the Perfect CROMROI Plan for You

Get Started for Only ฿75/Month (Optional Onboarding Fee: ฿950)
  • 1-3 CRM Users
  • Track Lead Sources & Website Visits
  • Import Marketing Call Tracking Data
  • Lead Action & Follow-Up Dashboard
  • Lead Scoring & Qualification Tools
  • Email & SMS Lead Routing
Get Started for Only ฿100/Month (Optional Onboarding Fee: ฿950)
  • Up to 4 CRM Users
  • Track Lead Sources & Website Visits
  • Import Marketing Call Tracking Data
  • Lead Action & Follow-Up Dashboard
  • Lead Scoring & Qualification Tools
  • Email & SMS Lead Routing
Get Started for Only ฿125/Month (Up to 5 Users, +฿25/Extra User) (Optional Onboarding Fee: ฿950)
  • Up to 5 CRM Users
  • Track Lead Sources & Website Visits
  • Import Marketing Call Tracking Data
  • Lead Action & Follow-Up Dashboard
  • Lead Scoring & Qualification Tools
  • Email & SMS Lead Routing

Unlock Marketing ROI: Why You Need CRMROI

Imagine knowing exactly which marketing channels deliver sales. That's the power of CRMROI.

Stop guessing about marketing spend. CRM ROI tracks your CRM investment return so you can invest in what works.

CRM ROI best practices combine your marketing data with lead management best practices and <a href='custom-reporting' class='link_a'>custom reporting</a>, giving you a clear picture of your sales and marketing funnel.

CRM ROI Services

Feature Starter Growth Pro Enterprise

CRM Users

1-3 Users

Up to 4 Users

Up to 5 Users, then ฿25/additional user

Up to 5 Users, then ฿25/additional user

Lead Source & Website Tracking

Marketing Call Tracking Import

CompanyTracker Visitor Insights

Pipeline & Custom Sales Stages

Lead Action & Follow-up Dashboard

Email Sync via BCC

Lead Activity Timeline

Company Directory

Customer Contact Directory

Sales Pipeline & Revenue Forecasting

Lead Scoring & Qualification

Marketing Channel Reports (Closed Leads)

Website Form Integration

Email & SMS Lead Routing

Optional Sales Onboarding

Optional ฿950

Optional ฿950

Optional ฿950


Support & Ticket Access

Distributor/Partner CRMs (Enterprise)

Monthly Fee (Enterprise)

Free (Uptle Clients: ฿75)



Contact for Pricing

Effortless CRM Onboarding

Boost Sales Efficiency CRM Onboarding Made Easy

Demo & Sales Team Leader Training

2 Hours

3 Months Dedicated CRM Support

Free CRM Migration Data Template

CRM Migration Data Review

Sales Stage Configuration & Review

Master Your Daily Sales Dashboard

Seamless Email Integration with BCC

Marketing & Sales Data Analysis

One-Time Investment


Boost Sales with CRMROI's Powerful Features

Discover how CRMROI's 6 key features can streamline your sales process and grow your business!

Effortless Lead Capture & Follow-Up

CRMROI seamlessly integrates with your website forms to automatically capture leads. Get instant notifications and start nurturing leads faster with email & text message alerts.

Unified Marketing & Sales Data

Gain a complete view of your leads with Marketing CRM ROI's proprietary marketing data. Track website visits, source channels, call recordings, and transcripts – all within a single lead profile. Analyze closed deals to identify your top-performing marketing channels and optimize your marketing spend for maximum ROI.

Never Miss a Detail with Powerful Notes

Keep track of every interaction with your leads, including calls! Log calls, emails, and activities for each lead, ensuring you have all the information you need to build strong relationships and close more deals. With call tracking.

Visualize Your Sales Pipeline with Our CRM Dashboard

Plan your sales day like a pro and maximize your Sales CRM ROI! Set custom follow-ups, action items, and due dates for every opportunity using our intuitive CRM dashboard. Easily assign tasks to your sales reps and keep your team on track to close more deals and boost revenue.

Ditch the Spreadsheets, Manage Contacts with Ease

Finally, say goodbye to messy spreadsheets! Manage all your sales contacts in one place with CRMROI's centralized contact management system.

Simple Drag-and-Drop Pipeline Management

Effortlessly move your leads through each stage of your sales funnel with our drag-and-drop pipeline management tool.

Plus, CRMROI unlocks the full potential of MarketingCloud features like ReviewBoost, LeadNurture, and advanced audience targeting.

Measuring what matters most

Are you interested in custom reporting that is specifc to your unique business needs? Powered by MarketingCloud, Uptle create custom reports based on what you care about most.

  • Leads
  • Calls
  • Transactions
  • Revenue

Is CRMROI Right for You?

CRMROI is the perfect fit if you:

  • Have a sales team of 7 or fewer
  • Don't require complex lead routing
  • Are new to CRMs
  • Don't need advanced sales forecasting

Get Started with CRMROI Today!

Feeling overwhelmed by the hundreds of CRMs out there? We've done the CRM ROI research papers for you! CRMROI is specifically designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Ready to see how CRMROI can help your business achieve real results? Contact Uptle today!

Contact Uptle or call us at 888-601-5359 to speak with a CRM expert!


Have more questions about Uptle? We'd be happy to answer them.

Fill out the form below to ask about our culture, what
position is right for you, events or our hiring process.

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