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Unlock Your Influencer Marketing Potential: Pricing Guide

Basic Boost
Reach 100,000-200,000 Page Views
  • Targeted Audience Analysis
  • Strategic Campaign Development
  • Influencer Selection & Management
Growth Accelerator
Drive 200,000-500,000 Page Views
  • Competitive Edge Report
  • Targeted Keyword Strategy
  • Dedicated Campaign Specialist
Industry Leader
Generate 500,000-1 Million Page Views
  • Advanced Performance Tracking
  • Expert Influencer Consultation
  • Content Repurposing & Amplification

Influencer Marketing Costs Revealed: What You Need to Know

Unsure how much to budget for <a href='influencer-marketing' class='link_a'>influencer marketing?</a> Costs can vary widely (from ฿1,000 to ฿1 million per post in 2021). This guide simplifies influencer pricing and helps you find the right fit for your brand.

Dive in and discover everything you need to know about influencer marketing costs.

Want expert help navigating influencer marketing? Contact our award-winning team for our hassle-free influencer marketing services. Reach out online or call us at 888-601-5359!

Influencer Marketing Packages from Uptle

Uptle has over 20 years of experience and a team of more than 200 award-winning professionals. We're a trusted partner for influencer marketing, with a proven track record of increasing client revenue. Let us help you take your influencer marketing global.

Ready to see how influencer marketing can benefit your business? Check out our pricing plans!

Just like all our digital marketing services, our influencer marketing packages start with a custom strategy. Your dedicated account manager and outreach specialist will work closely with you to understand your business, target audience, and goals. This allows us to develop a creative strategy and find the perfect influencer match for your brand.

Features Starter
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Sponsored Post

Monthly Pageviews

30,000 - 100,000 Followers

100,000 - 200,000 Followers

200,000 - 500,000 Followers

500,000 - 1 Million Followers

1 Million+ Followers

Target Audience Analysis

Demographics & Interests

Influencer Strategy

Influencer Discovery

Influencer Onboarding

Influencer Communication

Dedicated Account Management

Content Verification

Creative Brief Development

Influencer Match Report

Unique Tracking Code

Google Analytics Setup & Conversion Tracking

Competitor Analysis

Targeted Keyword Research

Keyword Ranking

Ongoing Traffic Monitoring & Reporting

Influencer Marketing Consultation

Influencer Content Repurposing



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Unlock the Power: Influencer Marketing Explained

Turn the tables on traditional marketing! Influencer marketing connects your brand with trusted industry voices, shaping consumer decisions and driving sales.

Meet your secret weapon: the influencer.

  • Micro-influencers: Engaged Advocates Harness the power of micro-influencer marketing by partnering with passionate advocates who have a loyal following of 1,000 to 100,000 fans. These highly targeted partners connect deeply with specific audiences, making them a favorite choice for businesses seeking to reach engaged consumers.
  • Macro-influencers: Celebrity Influence Macro-influencers boast massive followings exceeding 100,000, often including celebrities. Their reach is undeniable, but so are their fees. This makes them a strategic choice for larger brands.

The choice is yours! Partner with the right influencer to watch your bottom line soar.

Unlocking Influencer Pricing: From Micro to Mega

Influencer marketing can leverage anyone from A-list celebs to everyday people. So, it's no surprise influencer fees vary wildly, ranging from ฿1,000 to ฿1 million per post. But with so much choice, how do you know what's fair? Dive in to discover influencer pricing based on platform and post volume!

Watch the video and explore our pricing guide below to find your influencer sweet spot!

Facebook Influencer Rates: ฿25 per 1,000 Followers (Average)

Reach Billions with Facebook Influencers: ฿25 per 1,000 Followers (Avg)

The Power of Facebook Influencers: Reach and Price Insights

  • 10,000 Followers: Only ฿250 per Post
  • 100,000 Followers: Get Started at ฿2,500 per Post
  • Reach Millions: 1,000,000 Followers for ฿25,000 per Post

Beyond the Average Rate: Video Content & Travel Costs

Simplify Influencer Marketing with Facebook's Brand Collabs Manager

Find Influencers & Negotiate Deals: All in One Place

Connect with Micro & Macro-Influencers (25,000 - 8 Million Followers)

Free to Use: Streamline Your Influencer Marketing Efforts

Unlock Instagram Influencers: Cost-Effective Reach & Engagement

Turn Instagram's Engaged Audience into Your Customers! 80% of users follow businesses, making it a prime influencer marketing channel. Plus, the average cost is just ฿10 per post per 1,000 followers.

See How Influencer Rates Scale with Follower Count:

  • 10,000 Followers: ฿100 per Post (Typical)
  • 100,000 Followers: ฿1,000 per Post (Typical)
  • 1,000,000 Followers: ฿10,000 per Post (Typical)

But Price Can Vary: Consider Engagement & Niche!

Celebrities with outside fame might charge more (e.g., Ronaldo: ฿750,000 per post with 140M followers).

(Fun Fact: Based on the average rate, he could charge over ฿1 million!)

Focus on niche influencers for targeted reach and better value (they usually stick to the ฿10/follower rate).

Example: Running shoe brand? Target niche markets like marathoners, casual joggers, and trail runners.

  • Niche Influencers = Targeted Engagement & Sales!
  • Reach each audience segment with targeted influencers.
  • A broad celebrity campaign might miss your ideal customers.

Engagement-Based Pricing: Pay for Results, Not Just Followers!

Focus on actions (likes, comments, shares) that drive sales.

Engagement Pricing: ฿250 - ฿750 per 1,000 Engagements (Average).

Ready to experiment? Find the perfect influencer with our cost calculator!

Twitter: Budget-Friendly Influencer Marketing (฿2/1,000 Followers)

Twitter's smaller audience (330 million users) compared to Facebook and Instagram can be a sweet spot for budget-conscious marketers. Companies can still reach their target audience for less! Twitter boasts the lowest influencer marketing costs at just ฿2 per post per 1,000 followers.

See how influencer rates can vary based on follower count:

  • 10,000 followers: Around ฿20 per post
  • 100,000 followers: Around ฿200 per post
  • 1,000,000 followers: Around ฿2,000 per post

Mega-influencers (1M+ followers) often command higher influencer marketing rates due to their wider reach beyond social media. This broad exposure can be beneficial, but remember...

Focus matters! Mass followings often represent diverse interests. Partner with influencers whose audience aligns with your target demographic for long-term brand value.

Targeting a smaller, relevant audience is more effective than casting a wide net with an influencer whose followers may not be receptive to your brand.

Unlock YouTube Power: Influencer Rates Revealed!

YouTube's 1 Billion Users: Your Gateway to Targeted Influencer Marketing

Unlock a Massive Audience & Targeted Reach with YouTube Influencers

  • Budget-Friendly Options: YouTubers with 10,000 Subscribers Charge Around ฿200/Video
  • Mid-Range Power: YouTubers with 100,000 Subscribers Average ฿2,000/Video
  • Reach Millions: YouTubers with 1 Million+ Subscribers Command Up to ฿20,000/Video

Premium Reach, Premium Costs: Top YouTubers Can Charge Up to ฿50,000/Video

Connect Directly or Use Platforms Like FameBit (Minimum Project Cost ฿100 + 10% Service Fee)

FameBit Matches Influencers to Your Target Audience & Goals (Free to Join, Paid Projects)

Focus on Results? Pay Based on Video Views (฿50-100 per 1,000 Views)

Price Depends on Views & Subscriber Growth: More Views = Higher Rates

Impact Beyond Numbers: Niche YouTubers Drive Results & Brand Awareness

Increase Website Traffic, Channel Subscribers, & Sales with Targeted Influencers

Unlock the Power of Snapchat Influencers: Pricing & Strategies

188 million daily users strong, Snapchat offers access to a diverse pool of influencers. Here's what you need to know about pricing and getting started.

Forget follower count, focus on engagement: Why views matter on Snapchat

  • Influencers with high view counts can drive real results, even with smaller follower bases.
  • Target engaged audiences at an efficient cost: ฿10 per 1,000 views.
  • Scale your campaigns: Pay more for influencers with proven reach.

Did you know? Follower count is private on Snapchat. But don't worry - views are a better indicator of engagement anyway!

Pay per view, not followers: A smarter pricing model for Snapchat marketing.

Find your perfect match: Leverage Snapchat's influencer matchmaking program.

Get expert guidance: Partner with a Snapchat Storyteller for premium results (limited availability).

Skip the fees: Unlike other platforms, Snapchat Storytellers work directly with brands, saving you money.

Reach Targeted Audiences with Influential Bloggers (฿60 per 1,000 Visitors)

Go beyond social media! Many influencers maintain blogs where they connect with their audience on a more personal level. For just ฿60 per post per 1,000 unique visitors, influencers can create engaging content that resonates with your target market.

Here's what can affect pricing:

  • Industry Expertise: Tech industry influencers who understand your niche audience often command a premium (more than ฿60 per post).
  • Content Focus: Luxury experiences may require covering travel and accommodation costs, impacting the influencer's rate.
  • Post Length: Specify your desired word count to avoid surprises. Longer posts may come at a higher cost.

Unlock superior influencer marketing ROI! Studies show blogs deliver 37% higher influencer marketing effectiveness compared to platforms like Facebook and YouTube.

Influencer Pricing at a Glance: How Much Does it Cost?

Platform Cost per Follower (THB)
Facebook 25 ฿ per 1,000 Followers
Instagram 10 ฿ per 1,000 Followers
Twitter 2 ฿ per 1,000 Followers
YouTube 20 ฿ per 1,000 Subscribers
Snapchat 10 ฿ per 1,000 Followers/Views
Blogs 60 ฿ per 1,000 Views

Unlock the Secrets: What Sets Influencer Marketing Prices?

From audience reach to engagement rates, dive into the factors that shape influencer marketing pricing in 2024.

Unlock Campaign Success: The Right Influencer Pricing Model

Not all influencer partnerships are created equal. The key to maximizing your impact lies in the pricing model you choose.

  • Pay-per-Post: This straightforward option lets you pay a set fee per post, regardless of content type (text, video, etc.). Some influencers might set rates based on post complexity.
  • Performance Powerhouse: Pay-per-Click: Focus on results with this model. You only pay when users click the influencer's call to action (CTA), driving traffic to your website. While not always offered, it can be highly beneficial.
  • Results Rockstar: Pay-per-Acquisition: This model rewards high-performing influencers. You pay based on conversions (purchases, email signups, etc.), making it ideal for driving tangible results. It's less common, but highly effective when aligned with your goals.
  • Simple Setup: Pay-per-Subscriber: This pricing model is based on the influencer's follower count. While convenient, keep in mind follower numbers don't guarantee engagement. Consider it a starting point for negotiation.
  • Engagement Emphasis: Pay-per-View: Focus on content that resonates! This model rewards influencers based on average content views. It's a strong alternative to pay-per-subscriber as it prioritizes actual engagement.

Stretch Your Marketing Budget Further: Choose Influencers Offering These Models:

  • Pay-per-Post
  • Pay-per-View
  • Pay-per-Subscriber (for initial outreach)

The best part? These are the most widely used influencer marketing pricing models, making them easy to implement in your campaigns and track ROI.

Hitting the Right Target: Choosing Your Influencer Marketing Platform

Cost Considerations: Different platforms impact influencer marketing budgets. YouTube campaigns may require a higher investment compared to Twitter. However, these differences can sometimes be negligible.

Cost-Effective Duos: Platforms like Instagram and Snapchat offer similar influencer fees.

Target Audience Reigns Supreme: Focus on where your ideal customers spend their time online. Don't invest in a Snapchat campaign if your audience thrives on Facebook. Research is key to maximizing your campaign's impact.

Unlock the Power of Influencer Posts: The Ultimate Guide

Go beyond one-size-fits-all content! Tailor your influencer posts to each platform. Facebook thrives on text, videos, and images, while Snapchat shines with quick video snippets and captions.

Effort equals expense. Posts requiring more work, like Instagram Stories with videos, might cost more, especially under pay-per-post models.

Save with simpler formats! Uploading photos to Instagram Stories might be a more budget-friendly option compared to video content.

Unlock Influencer Marketing Magic (Without Breaking the Bank)

Who you target and what you sell affects influencer costs. Luxury watch company? Partner with a trusted high-end influencer. The audience connection is key!

Savvy influencers know this. That's why those reaching affluent audiences often command a premium.

Good news for businesses with budget-friendly products! Lower influencer rates might be in reach.

Influencer Agents: Higher Cost, Bigger Reach?

Influencer Management: Navigating the Rise of Agents. Many influencers are going pro, partnering with talent agencies. This means you might not be dealing directly with the influencer for pricing, but their agent instead.

Agent-Represented Influencers: Expect a Premium. Generally, influencers with agents command higher fees compared to solo influencers.

Why the Price Jump? Several factors contribute to this. Often, these influencers boast larger followings and higher audience engagement. Additionally, they need to cover their agent's commission, leading to increased rates.

Cost-Effective Alternatives: Consider Micro-Influencers. Partnering with an unrepresented influencer can be more budget-friendly for businesses. Plus, micro-influencers can deliver high-quality content and effectively reach your target audience.

Unlock More Engagement: Why Influencer Campaigns Deliver

Reach Your Audience, Amplify Your Brand: Go Beyond Single Posts

The Power of Campaigns: Why Businesses Choose Them

Maximizing Impact: What to Expect from Campaign Pricing. Flat Fees vs. Per-Post Options Explained.

Boost Reach: Why Cross-Platform Influencer Marketing Wins

Unlock the Power of Multiple Platforms: Amplify your brand's reach with social media marketing and influencers who dominate the digital landscape.

Maximize Brand Exposure (Without Breaking the Bank): Cross-promotion expands your reach without doubling your costs. We'll help you navigate influencer pricing for multi-platform campaigns.

Effortless Engagement: Let us handle the details. We'll ensure your influencer partners understand your goals and create captivating content across all platforms.

Go Exclusive or Go Big? The Influencer Choice

Exclusivity with an influencer can be powerful, but it's not always the most cost-effective strategy. Partnering exclusively means the influencer can't promote competitors, potentially limiting your reach. But there are advantages!

Limited-time exclusivity can be a happy medium. Secure the influencer's full attention for a focused campaign burst, then expand your reach later.

Consider a broader influencer marketing strategy. By working with multiple influencers, you can tap into wider audiences and diverse content styles, maximizing your brand exposure.

Uptle can help you navigate influencer marketing complexities. Our agency streamlines the process, finds the perfect influencers for your brand, and delivers impactful campaigns – all without the exclusivity headache.

Ready to Grow? Get your FREE Quote Today!

Our web designers and web developers, as well as digital strategists have launched more than 1000 sites and collaborated with clients in a range of industries, from manufacturing to retail to healthcare. Not to mention, we've helped our clients earn more than ฿1.5 billion in revenue in the past five years and continue to help our clients grow their businesses. Request a free quote and see how Uptle can help you.

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Influencer Marketing Agency Pricing: What You Need to Know

Get expert help for ฿1,000 to ฿18,000 monthly.

This covers everything you need, including:

  • Strategic influencer marketing plan
  • Top-notch influencer research and selection
  • Influencer onboarding and contracting
  • Collaborative content creation with influencers
  • Campaign performance tracking and analysis

Some agencies tailor pricing to your post needs.

For instance, our influencer marketing services (฿1,800 to ฿5,400) depend on post quantity and average views. Partnering with influencers generating 30,000 to 100,000 views costs ฿1,800 per post.

Considering an influencer marketing agency? Understanding their pricing model ensures you get the exposure and services that align with your digital marketing goals.

Cracking the Code: What REALLY Affects Influencer Marketing Agency Costs

Forget hidden fees! Here's the lowdown on the 5 key factors shaping your influencer marketing agency bill

1. Post Powerhouse!

Need more content? Prepare to pay more. Agencies often price based on the number of influencer posts you request. More posts = more influencer fees = higher overall cost.

2. Follower Frenzy (But Not Always!)

Some agencies consider follower count. Generally, influencers with bigger followings cost more (think wider reach). But remember, engagement matters more than just a vanity metric!

3. Pay for Performance (The Ideal Scenario)

Want results? Look for agencies that price based on views. This model focuses on how your campaign performs, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck.

4. Experience Pays Off (Big Time)

Seasoned agencies with a track record of success might charge more, but their expertise can skyrocket your campaign's performance and ROI. Think of it as an investment in results.

5. Resources Rule (But Don't Fear the Price Tag)

Marketing tech like AI and industry veterans can bump up the agency's price, but they also supercharge your campaign. Think of it as paying for a dream team to maximize your influencer marketing success.

Remember, in influencer marketing (and all of digital marketing!), you often get what you pay for. Super cheap services might not deliver real results. Invest in a reputable agency like Marketing Cloud for a campaign that gets noticed.

Don't be fooled by low-cost promises. Educate your team on the value of established, trusted agencies. They'll deliver the influencer marketing muscle you need to crush your goals.

Dominate Your Market with Powerful Influencer Marketing

Uptle is your secret weapon. We've generated over ฿1 billion and 3 million leads for clients in the last 5 years. Want to see similar results? Our influencer marketing experts deliver.

Related Services & Resources
Supercharge Your Reach: Influencer Marketing & Online Media Buying
Dominate Digital: SEO, Social Media & Content Marketing


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